Re-admission to Course
Sometimes you need to leave Code Your Future because things are going on in your life. This is entirely understandable and is often a good decision.
Leave of Absence
If you just need a short break, you can take a leave of absence. When taking leave, you must book a return to study call with your Programme Manager. You must do this before you take leave or you will be marked as withdrawn. The maximum leave that can be accommodated is three weeks.
Course Withdrawal
If you need to drop out of this cohort, you can withdraw.
Reasons for Retaking the Course
There are several reasons why a trainee may want to drop out of the course and request to re-join on a subsequent course.
Time constraints involving work
Childcare time constraints
Falling behind in the course content
Pregnancy/Maternity (see Pregnancy policy here)
In the case of students' English skill not being sufficient, the trainee must complete language training courses before they are able to return to their course. They will be referred by their City Coordinator to a partner organisation.
Admission Requirements for Leave of Absence
In order to gain re-entry to the course students must:
Complete the coursework set by the Education and PD teams
Show significant evidence that their circumstances have changed and they will be able to complete the full course this year
*Re-admission will not be considered under any circumstance for students that were removed from their course because of Code of Conduct violations.
Resuming Studies
When taking leave, you must book a return to study call with your Programme Manager. You must do this before you take leave or you will be marked as withdrawn.
Admission Requirements for Course Withdrawal
To rejoin CYF, you simply apply again. Please mention you are a returning trainee.
Sign up and complete the current application process
Mention you are a returning trainee
If you withdrew to work on your English, you must demonstrate B2 or C1 level
If you have been banned for violating our Code of Conduct, you can't re-apply. Everyone else is welcome.
Last updated
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