Welcome Event
These sessions are potential volunteers first contact with CodeYourFuture and one of the key moments in a volunteers journey. The aim of this event is to give a face to the organisation, to inform the volunteers on how we work and increase the number of volunteer we get involved in what we do.
Inform new volunteers about CYF, the team structure and the roles available
Give them a sense of the community
Sign interested volunteers up to an onboarding session - where they will get trained in the basics and take their first tasks on
The presentation we use can be found here
Sign-up via our Planner
Click here for the volunteer sign-up planner for the event
Eventbrite Link
Here’s the Eventbrite link with further description.
See ‘Before the Call’ and ‘After the Call’ below
Introduce CYF story, discuss mission and values, give overview of Onboarding process (run the presentation, see above)
Zoom admin/manager
Log in using the correct credentials and make sure the meeting is up and running
Message attendees if necessary
Mute people if necessary (message them first!)
Open and manage breakout rooms (for the Q&A session at the end - create one room each for Education, PD and Ambassadors)
Make other volunteers co-hosts so they can move between rooms if necessary
This role can be shared with the Organiser role or the Energizer role if we are short on numbers.
Energizer (and welcomer)
Run a fun 5-10 minute energiser/icebreaker at the start of the call. You can look here for ideas. Keep in mind we work with large groups (usually between 20 and 30 participants).
Edu team volunteer
To talk about the team and the volunteering opportunities
Ambassador team volunteer
To talk about the team and the volunteering opportunities
PD team volunteer
To talk about the team and the volunteering opportunities
Graduate (Optional)
For graduate story
Can replace graduate video and they can fulfil one of the other responsibilities above!
Event Overview
Before The Event
Promote the event on Slack and on social media (liaise with
group on Slack).Eventbrite event can be found here.
Share a summary of the last event within your posts. Here’s some advice on how to tailor the posts:
Liaise with CYF Ambassadors and with
, who leads the onboarding process, to figure out how many volunteers attended then followed through and started the onboarding process from the last event.Reporting on previous events and discussing their impact inspires and encourages volunteers to continue Welcome Event roles or take them up for the first time.
Include in your post an update of the numbers of registered guests in Eventbrite for the event
Get Eventbrite statistics from someone with access to our account (likely someone from
)You can ask volunteers to share the Eventbrite link in their own social media networks to advertise the event
4 days Before The Event
Enlist specific folks for the roles below (use sign up sheet here) - make sure they are familiar with their role and this agenda document.
Check the material is current (presentation is here). If it needs adjusting, ask for updates in the cyf-ambassadors channel
30 Minutes Before The Call
Get the Zoom Room and presentation ready.
Ask @ambassadors or
for Zoom log-in credentials
On The Call
5.45 - 6.00pm: small-talk / ask questions - in breakout rooms
6.00 - 6.15pm: online energiser
6.15 - 6.20pm: intro to CYF (Presenter)
6.20 - 6.25pm: Graduate shares CYF story (Or, we can play the graduate video after the Team Intros if the presenter feels the need and we have no graduate present in the session)
6.25 - 6.40pm: Intro to teams (Personal Development, Education and Ambassador Volunteer)
6.40 - 6.45: Remaining slides (Presenter - Values, brief onboarding process summary)
6.45 - 7.00pm: Team Q&As - with Volunteer from each team answering questions from guests about their team
7.00 - 7.05pm: Redirect people to sign up form https://bit.ly/cyf-volunteering
7.05pm: Thanks / more chats if people stick around
After the call
Get feedback from the attendees and volunteers and pass on to the CYF Ambassadors team along with a summary of the event and numbers attended, etc.
Last updated
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