Trainee Pregnancy Policy


Code Your Future creates opportunities for people who have faced barriers in education. Parenthood should not be a barrier to learning. We promote equality of opportunity.

This policy details support available to trainees due to become parents and how to access it.

Scope of the Policy

This policy covers trainees accepted onto the Software Development Course who:

  • are currently pregnant

  • becomes pregnant during their studies

  • has a partner who is pregnant

  • is becoming a parent through adoption or fostering

Policy Statement

Code Your Future tries to be flexible. No trainee should lose opportunities due to pregnancy, maternity or paternity. The health and safety of a pregnant trainee are important. Trainees will find a sensitive, non-judgemental environment. We will only share this information with people who need to know, and only with the trainee's consent.

Details of the Policy

Below we have shared some guidelines. There may be some trainees who will have more specific requirements.

Maternity Leave of Absence

A pregnant trainee can take leave from their Code Your Future studies to welcome their new child. The trainee should tell their Regional Programme Manager within a reasonable timeframe. The trainee should fill in the leave request form.

Code Your Future can't put courses on hold for one person. We will work with the trainee to find the best solution for all parties. This could mean:

  • Returning to the same cohort after a break

  • Joining a future cohort

  • Working with another region for a short period of time, such as for Final Projects

The trainee can decide when to return to their studies. There is no pressure to return before they are ready. If it has been a very long time without coding, Code Your Future will likely welcome the trainee to a new class.

Trainees taking leave should book regular check-ins with their Regional Programme Manager.

Individuals are responsible for their learning. Trainees must meet the required milestones before applying to Final Projects. Support is available to any trainee who asks for it.

Other types of leave

Trainees not going through pregnancy but who will soon be welcoming a new child can also take a break. This can be if their partner is soon to give birth or they are going through an adoption or fostering process. Code Your Future suggests two weeks, but understand that everybody is different. Trainees should discuss their needs with their Regional Programme Manager in advance.


If a trainee decides not to continue with their pregnancy, there is no need for Code Your Future to know. Medical leave is available; there is no need to provide a reason. They are welcome to share this experience with us, or anyone, but only if they want to.

Risk Assessment

Health and Safety measures are in place to protect the trainee and their unborn child. This will cover classes/study groups or events where a trainee uses public transport. The Regional Programme Manager will conduct a Risk Assessment. This will identify risks which could harm the trainee or their baby and steps taken to minimise them.

Miscarriage, Still Births and Neonatal Death

If a trainee miscarries, they will likely need time off to recover. Trainees should only return when they feel ready. They should discuss their return with the Regional Programme Manager. There will be no pressure to return following a miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a child.

Breastfeeding and Rest Facilities

A trainee can continue studying with a newborn. For class days, the trainee must make arrangements for the newborn. A trainee can request for their child to join them in class, if:

  • the child is under six months old

  • the child is only breastfed

This should only be until the child is six months old. The trainee may need to arrange for somebody to join them to look after the child during the class day. We cannot guarantee that changing facilities will be available. Code Your Future is unable to take responsibility for children brought to events. Our preference is that the trainee seeks appropriate childcare. The above example is an exceptional circumstance.

If a child is coming to class, the Regional Programme Manager should:

  • inform the venue

  • update the event risk assessment

We will provide a rest space for pregnant and breastfeeding people where necessary. We will provide a fridge or coolbox where possible. The trainee should arrange childcare for any child over six months old. Please see the Code Your Future trainee expenses policy.

Last updated

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