The strategy challenge Template
A - Competitive Landscape
Non-profit Organisations:
Are there any non-profit competitors in the area?
Please describe each one. Make sure to provide an overview of their approaches, content covered, annual course cycles and durations, full-time or part-time, selection criterias, application processes, any success stories and links to their websites.
How different are they from CYF?
Having considered the approach of existing provisions, please evaluate the differences between them and CYF. What are their advantages and disadvantages when compared to CYF? What value would CYF add and what provision gaps can CYF fill?
These questions should hopefully allow you to identify any existing provisions, as well as potential gaps and shortcomings.
For-profit Coding Bootcamps
What are the coding bootcamps in the region?
As above, please describe each one. Make sure to provide an overview of their approaches, fee structures, content covered, annual course cycles and durations, full-time or part-time, selection criterias, application processes, any success stories and links to their websites. Do they have any charitable tracks?
This question should allow you to understand the existing for-profit provision, approaches taken, popular coding technologies taught in your region and, most importantly, barriers facing disadvantaged groups from embarking on tech training.
B - Selection Criteria
Who are the people you want to serve (your potential students)?
Definition of disadvantaged background:
-Social: Applicants who are refugees or disabled or from minority groups or socially excluded groups (e.g Roma populations, LGBT community).
-Access to Technology:
-Educational background:
-Family background:
-Financial background:
-Criminal background:
-Immigrations status:
-Time commitment:
C - Demographics Data
How large is the potential pool of applicants?
Now that you have considered and outlined your target audience. Please share any data on the potential number of people that you would reach out to in the region using this criteria. Are there any regional population clusters where your target group is overrepresented?
This question should hopefully allow you to understand the potential volume of applicants who would qualify to apply for the CYF course.
D - Existing Tech Sector
What is the current state of the tech sector in your region?
One of the primary goals of CYF is to connect students to employment opportunities upon graduation. What is the current state and size of the tech sector? Is there sufficient demand for junior web developers? Is there sufficient demand for the technologies we teach? (i.e. Financial tech sector is likely to have very different tech language needs from the core CYF syllabus) What is the demographic composition of the tech force in your region? Are there any corporate initiatives that seek to address lack of diversity in the tech sector? Any companies who may be interested in these initiatives?
These questions should allow you to thoroughly consider potential demand for new developers in your region and their pathways to employment.
E- Outreach Strategy & Message - Applicants
How will you reach your target audience?
Describe the likely locations of this target group?
What is the message that you are going to use in the promotion of the course?
You can calculate the number of applicants you will need using this calculator
F- Outreach Strategy - Core Team of Volunteers
How are you planning to reach out to and recruit the core group of volunteers?
How will you ensure that founding volunteers are determined and can contribute substantially to the founding activities and project overall?
How will you make sure that they come from a diversity of backgrounds?
Who are you current team members?
Last updated
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