Interview - Rubric
In this rubric you will find a marking guide to the questions found in the interview form.
Each of the questions will be banded into the following sections
0 - applicant could not give any kind of adequate answer
1-3 - applicant gave a poor answer
3-6 - applicant gave a good answer
7-10 - applicant gave an excellent answer
The applicant is motivated to learn
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant did not seem excited or motivated to learn
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant gave examples of what they have learnt in the past
The applicant said they were excited to learn
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant gave examples of what they have learnt in the past in relation to programming
The applicant talked enthusiastically about programming
The applicant has potential to become a self-learner
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant was actively discouraged by the idea of self-study
The applicant could not answer how they would make time to self-study
The applicant did not seem interested in making time to self-study
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant said they could make time to self-study
The applicant understood that self-study is important for this course
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant gave a specific example of self-learning
The applicant gave plans or examples of finding time to self-study
The applicant shows signs of patience and focus
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant was impatient and tried to rush through the interview
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant was patient and focussed throughout the interview
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant gave succinct, on topic answers to questions
The applicant spent time thinking about answers to technical questions being starting to answer
The applicant listens attentively to questions
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant was obviously not listening to questions asked
The applicant often gave answers unrelated to the question
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant listened attentively and gave good answers
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant answered questions correctly and accurately with little prompting
The applicant asked clarifying questions before answering
The applicant is open to feedback
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant reacted as if the feedback was personal,
The applicant did not seem keen to use the feedback constructively.
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant accepted the feedback in a positive way
The applicant grateful the feedback they are given
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant was able to interpret feedback that interviewers give
The applicant seemed keen to implement the feedback
The applicant is ready to challenge themselves
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant seemed unprepared to challenge themselves
The applicant did not understand how much work will be needed
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant was excited to start the course
The applicant had research coding previously
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant had started practicing coding already
The applicant showed they understood the scale of the challenge
The applicant showed specific example of being prepared to start
The applicant is resourceful and finds solutions to problems
Poor Answer (1-3)
If the applicant ran into problems, they instantly gave up
The applicant could not give an example of overcoming a challenge
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant gave an example of overcoming a challenge
The applicant worked out how to get help or find answers
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant explained a time they have overcome a specific challenge in a work/learning environment
The applicant is interested in learning how things work
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant was obviously uninterested in how things work
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant was interested when they were told new information about how something worked
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant showed a specific interest in the particulars of the challenges they've completed
The applicant asked questions when they did not understand
The applicant is determined to start a career as a developer
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant did not mention wanting to have a career as a developer
The applicant seemed to be unsure about starting a career as a developer
The applicant did not do what a developer did
Good Answer (3-6)
The trainee seemed excited about becoming a developer
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant gave specific reasons for wanting to be a developer
The applicant showed some understanding of what a developer does
The applicant learnt about programming before apply for the course
The applicant has enough time available during the week
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant spoke about many other prior commitments that they have during the week and could not explain how they would manage their time
The applicant did not give any explanation of how they would fit in their time
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant gave an adequate answer to how they will find the time to work
The applicant seemed to have a good amount of free time
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant gave a detailed answer to how they would structure their time
The applicant showed they understand what 20 hours a week actually means.
The applicant showed that they are giving the course a priority.
The applicant will be a good fit for CodeYourFuture
Poor Answer (1-3)
The applicant was actively aggressive or impolite
The applicant was actively not interested in community or making connections
Good Answer (3-6)
The applicant was pleasant to speak to
The applicant come with a good attitude
Excellent Answer (7-10)
The applicant talked about community or learning together as being important to them
The applicant was personable and nice to talk to
The applicant they are excited for the opportunity
The applicant has a good English level
Poor Answer (1-3)
It was often hard to understand the applicant
It was often hard to judge what a applicant meant
The applicant struggled to create full sentences
The applicant could not properly answer questions because of their language skills
Good Answer (3-6)
It was mostly easy to understand the applicant
It was mostly easy to judge what a applicant meant
Excellent Answer (7-10)
It was easy to understand what the applicant was trying to say
It was easy to judge what an applicant meant
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