Learner and Trainee Agreement

Trainee agreements are for enrolled trainees. Learners should sign the Learner agreement.

Definition of an Applicant

An Applicant is over 18, and is applying and taking our Introduction to Digital (ITD) course.

Definition of Learner

A Learner is over 18, has been invited to ITP, and agrees to the Learner terms.

Definition of Trainee

A Trainee meets the CYF eligibility criteria and agrees to the Trainee terms. In brief, to be eligible you must be over 18, on a low income, have enough time to do the course, and live close enough to attend class in person. We use a decision model to evaluate this called Rainbird. Read More about Rainbird.

Enrolment is per course and expires after one year.

Courses Agreements Guide

Each course has its own rules for participation. These rules are to help you succeed in the course. If you don't agree with the rules or don't understand them, please ask.

Course 1: Intro to Digital (ITD)

No agreement is required in ITD.

Course 2: Intro to Programming (ITP)

On being invited to ITP, all participants are asked to sign a Learner agreement. Everyone begins as a Learner, to give you the opportunity to try CYF before you commit to enrolling. We don't formally check the eligibility of Learners, and we don't enrol you or pay expenses.

Trainee enrolment begins from Module 2 of ITP. Learners may apply at any point.

  • You must be a trainee to participate in any course after ITP.

  • You probably do want to enrol as a trainee if you need financial support to participate in the course.

Course 3 - A : ITP Tracks

All participants in ITP Tracks must enrol as Trainees.

Course 3 - B : The Piscine

All participants in the Piscine must enrol as Trainees.

Course 4: Software Development (SDC)

All participants in the SDC must enrol as Trainees.

Course 5: The Launch

All participants in the Launch must enrol as Trainees.

Course 6: Software Development Tracks

All participants in SDC Tracks must enrol as Trainees.

Example agreement

Each course defines its own agreement with rules that make sense for that course. You will be sent your agreement by email and you can read it and make your decision. Here is the 2024 ITP trainee agreement so you can see what it will more or less say.

Trainee Agreement

This trainee agreement is for people participating in the Code Your Future Intro to Programming course as Enrolled Trainees.

Trainee Agreement, Intro to Programming

Code Your Future is made possible by teams of dedicated volunteers who give their time to support your goal of achieving a good job in tech.

If this is not your goal, please do not waste their time. It's okay to have other goals. Pursue them. Good luck! Come back to us when your goal is to train for and gain a good job in tech.

I confirm that I will

  • Follow the Code of Conduct

We expect our trainees to also fulfil the commitments below. Please read and sign this agreement.

As a trainee I agree to:

If you don't do these things, you will be dismissed as a trainee, because doing these things is what being a trainee means.

We will not dismiss you from our community. You are welcome to withdraw as a trainee and join us as a volunteer. You are welcome to reapply next time. You are welcome here.


1. Do your work βœ…

Our curriculum is free and open source. Everybody in the world can use it at their own pace and do whatever coursework they like, without obligation. But being a Code Your Future trainee is a privilege and a responsibility.

  1. Coursework

If you fall behind with your coursework it is your responsibility to catch up.

I confirm that I will:

  • Submit my mandatory coursework on time

  • Not blindly copy-paste from AI, GitHub, or anywhere else because the point of this course is to learn to code

If you don't do your work you will be dismissed as a trainee.

If you have failed to meet your commitments, you may be invited to complete and sign a PIP. A PIP is a way to get extra support and resources to help you succeed.

  1. Collaboration

Working together is expected at Code Your Future. Software is built by teams.

I confirm that I will

  • Credit the people I worked with on any document

  • Add my co-authors on any pull request

Coursework submitted without this, but with answers shared between trainees, will be treated as deception.

If you lie about your work you will be dismissed as a trainee.

2. Come to class βœ…

If you prefer to only learn online you should take an online course instead. Our programme is in person.

I confirm that I will:

  • Attend at least 90% of classes in the Intro to Programming course after my enrollment

  • Notify the class channel if I am unavoidably absent βœ…

If you don't come to class you will be dismissed as a trainee.

  1. Leave

You may need to take unavoidable medical leave. You may be detained or moved by the Home Office. A war may start in your country. These are all unfortunately normal at Code Your Future and we understand, but we do need to know where you are. You must tell us as soon as you can.

If I need to take unavoidable leave I confirm that I will

  • Email my region as soon as possible βœ…

  • Complete a leave form βœ…

3. Take part on Slack βœ…

Slack is how we communicate. We monitor Slack activity.

I confirm that I will

  • Install Slack on my main computer βœ…

  • Answer @mentions within 72 hours βœ…

  • Ask or answer at least one question a week in my class channel βœ…

If you don't take part on Slack you will be dismissed as a trainee.

4. Ask for Help βœ…

It is your responsibility and right to ask for help as a Code Your Future trainee.

I confirm that I will

  • Ask for help when I need it βœ…

Your cohort is filled with smart people who have experience and support they can share with you. Work together. The wider CYF community can help too. It’s full of graduates who have already been on your journey, and other professionals who want to help you succeed.

If you are facing a serious challenge (homelessness, cancer, detainment etc) that affects your learning, email cs@codeyourfuture.io and get signposted to specialist help.

When you need help, you must ask. We will help you. Our goal is your success.

Withdrawing From The Course

You must contact us to withdraw from the course.

Leaving the course does not mean leaving our community. You may return as a volunteer and/or you may apply for a future cohort.

I confirm that I will

  • Email my region βœ…

  • Complete a Withdrawal Form βœ…

  • Return any equipment I borrowed βœ…

(If you don't do this, you can't come back.)

Many CYF grads have withdrawn, returned and got good jobs in tech. We will welcome you back when you are ready. We will welcome you even if you were dismissed.

You are welcome here even if things have gone really wrong before.

  1. Removal From Course

Participation in the course is overseen completely by CodeYourFuture staff. All decisions are final and cannot be contested.

If you have withdrawn or been removed from our course, you are welcome to re-apply, unless you have been permanently banned for a Code of Conduct violation.

Everyone here wants to help you get a good job in tech, for real. That is the whole point of Code Your Future.

Please now sign this agreement.

Last updated