Our Products

This is a high-level description of our in-house built products. If you are interested in Launch Module you can read more about how it works on this link.

This is a description of the product teams we have at CYF right now If you want to know more about the Launch Module go to these pages: format or roles.

Active Products

Dashboard Ecosystem (includes Introduction to Digital, Volunteer Form, Dashboard and the API)

  • Built by graduates in 2019

  • Purpose: this system manages participants and volunteers who want to join CYF. It includes features such as sign-up portals, data management and programme management.

  • Tech Stack: MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)

Class Planner

  • Built by graduates in 2021

  • Purpose: manage the commitment of volunteers for the weekly classes so the region can see if they have enough volunteers for each session.

  • Tech Stack: MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)

  • Built by graduates with the support of our Tech Education Director in 2021

  • Purpose: automate the suitability and eligibility questionnaire to identify which participants of our programme can become trainees.

  • Tech Stack: PERN (PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node) connected to Rainbird API


Good PR

  • Built by graduates in 2023

  • Purpose: Identify that every trainee does the same amount of work on their Launch project and highlight any issues the volunteers should look into

  • Tech Stack: PERN (PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node) connected to Rainbird API



  • Purpose: manage the CYF Platform working closely with all other Product teams to ensure the infrastructure is working well.

  • Tech Stack: AWS, Kubernetes

Discontinued products

Mentor For Slack

  • Built by volunteers in 2022 - used until 2023

  • Purpose: A system that automatically keeps track of how trainees are doing and how much the volunteers are helping. This makes sure no one falls behind.

  • Tech Stack: Slack bot created with PERN (PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node) and Hasura API

CYF Next

  • Stopped build in 2023

  • Purpose: looking at how we keep all our information, and making sure we can use it safely within CYF.

  • Tech Stack: PERN (PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node)

Last updated