Trainee Expenses

This policy applies to trainees enrolled on:

  • CYF Fundamentals

  • CYF Software Development Course

  • CYF Employment Programme

Everyone at CodeYourFuture has barriers to education. Some things we can help with. You are eligible if you cannot come to class because you can't afford:

Reimbursements are for people who need them, and not for everyone.

This policy explains how you can claim these expenses to help you come to class. These expenses don't count as income if you are claiming benefits.

Code Your Future will reimburse into your named bank account; not that of a friend or family member. Find out how to open a bank account.

You must get written approval from CYF before submitting a claim.


You can claim back the cost of travelling to and from CYF events. This includes class days, co-working sessions, workshops and other community events. We can only accept claims with a valid receipt. We can only reimburse journeys on public transport unless there is a prior agreement. You may not buy First Class tickets.

Internet Access

CYF can reimburse the cost of internet access. You will sign up for a suitable plan. This can be a mobile data or broadband plan. You must provide a bill or receipt before we can pay you.

In some cases, CYF can provide a data sim card.

Lunch on class days

You can bring food to share with others on class days. If you are making food for the community, you can claim back the cost of ingredients. You must agree the budget in advance with CYF.

You must provide a receipt before we can pay you.


CYF can pay towards childcare from a registered provider. This can be a childminder or a nursery, or any other childcare. We can only pay providers registered with Ofsted. Send us the Ofsted registration number of your provider.

Find a childcare provider you are happy and comfortable with. The childcare provider must be able to supply an invoice. The invoice should show the company name, address and details of the services.

CYF can pay for up to 10 hours at the weekend and up to 15 hours during the week.

Complete the Childcare Calculator and screengrab the outcome. Share this with the Programme Manager. If you have No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF), use the NRPF pages to help you complete your calculation.

If you are eligible for Government support, you should pay through their portal. CYF can reimburse your part of the contribution.

Submit the invoice and screengrabs of the portal with your claim. Take a screengrab of the transactions page for each child.

Claiming on non-class days

Often there are community events during the week or opportunities for co-working. Trainees can still claim expenses to be able to take part in these activities. Only people who would be unable to access CYF without this support should claim expenses.

Instances where you can claim include:

  • Spending at least 6 hours at the co-working space, or;

  • Attending a CYF community event;

You can only claim expenses for co-working for one day in the week.

To be eligible, you should be at least one of the following:

  • A trainee or applicant, working on CYF projects;

  • Pro-active in looking for a job in tech;

  • Be working on your portfolio, job applications or your CV;

  • Be working with other people on tech projects.

As above, CYF can pay for up to 15 hours of childcare during the week. This is to support trainees participating in co-working or assist their at-home study.

How to submit a claim

Programme Managers will pin the expenses claim form on Slack. You must submit a claim within 30 days of incurring the expense. Follow the exact instructions on the claim form.

The receipt must include:

  • the name, address and VAT registration number of the supplier (where relevant)

  • the cost (including VAT where relevant) and description of the goods or services and

  • the date of the supply

Please give details on your claim. For example:

  • "train to Birmingham" is not very detailed

  • "return train ticket to Birmingham for co-working" is much better

If you have any questions, please email

Last updated